Scenographic Laboratory – Touch me
Scenographic laboratory series at NKR – Neuer Kunstraum Düsseldorf
Education in Museum / Kunstverein
Conception and direction Marta Colombo
Cooperation with Sebastian Bartel, Bretz/Holliger, Dora Celentano, Fridge&Plodge
Photos © Sally Plöger
#material #staging #experimentalscenography
The audience is invited to position materials in real space. The terms serve as inspiration for the selection and arrangement of the material. The materials may be touched, moved, arranged, combined, arranged, exchanged, removed, positioned on the platform and the surrounding space.
How does the space change?
Does it appear dynamic, harmonious, boring, …?
Does something need to be removed or added?
The Laboratory explores the questions:
What happens when people interact and stage materials in space?
What potential do materials have to define and change spaces?

